S1 E02 :: Sarah's Story

Welcome to Stories from South Place and our first official episode with a guest! Today I'm joined by one of my very favorite friends, Sarah Temple.

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We head upstairs to the studio at South Place to chat about her story as a foster mom over the last 8 years! Sarah has so much wisdom to share about loving kids and families and meeting people where they are. It was such a joy to carve out some time to talk together, and we joked that this isn't too far from our usual routine of just sitting on the couch downstairs talking about these same things! 

I asked Sarah if she had any needs as a foster mom currently, and she sent me her foster care Amazon Wish List. If you would like to support her in her foster care journey, head over to the wish list and send some diapers, bottles, or sippy cups her way! She also expressed that Amazon gifts cards are ALWAYS welcome -- either for her or other foster families you may know!

After we recorded this podcast, I was listening to another podcast that I love and heard this incredible story of a mom who shares her story of having her children removed from her home by social services. If you feel like your eyes were opened to kind of the "other side" of foster care by listening to Sarah, as I was, I think you'll really love listening to Vanessa's Story on Around the World with the Archibald Project. I felt like this was almost part two to the conversation that I had with Sarah, so I hope you'll check it out! Please note that Vanessa's story contains references to some abuse, so be sure to use discretion when listening. 

I would love to hear your feedback! Be sure to reach out with your questions, any comments, or just to say hi through a DM or email!

Last, but not least, since this is a BRAND NEW podcast, I would LOVE for you to give us a rating in iTunes to help people find the podcast! As the season progresses, I have some INCREDIBLE guests, and I know that their stories will be encouraging to so many people. Rating the podcast will help direct more people the subscribe and put these amazing stories in the ears so many more people! You're my personal marketing team -- so go rate it today!

A big thank you to our sponsors - be sure to check them out!

A Morales Production
