S1 E03 :: Logan's Story

Welcome back to Stories from South Place! Today I'm joined by Logan Gibbons.

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Logan is one of my favorite friends and we've known each other for going on 10 years, although she and her husband, Codie, go back even farther with Jason. We head upstairs to the studio at South Place to chat about her story. In the last few years, Logan's family has grown in the most unique way. We discuss adding children to our homes, parenting, growing up, starting businesses, and so much more! Logan has so many little nuggets of wisdom to share, and one of my favorite parts of our conversation was talking about her business and how we each view creativity. It's such a fun conversation, and as I mention in the intro, you'll have to come back to hear more from her in our next season!

Here are a few of Logan’s amazing cakes from Cakes & Cream!

(the bottom left was Brighten’s cake and the bottom right was Grady’s cake, since I reference both of them in this episode)

I would love to hear your feedback! Be sure to reach out with your questions, any comments, or just to say hi through a DM or email!

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