S1 E01 :: Our Story

This is our first official episode of Stories from South Place! Welcome, friends!

season 1, episode 1.png

In this episode, my husband, Jason, and I share our story. We start at the beginning of how we met, how we built our family, and bring you right up to the present. We hope that this episode will serve as a kind of prelude to season one, as you hear me reference parts of our story throughout this season, and likely seasons to come. We hope that you enjoy hearing our story, what the Lord has done in our lives, and most of all, we hope it's encouraging to you. 

This is the first episode of the first season, so we'll be releasing a new episode each week! Thank you for being a listener from the start. I truly cannot communicate how much that means to me!

I would love to hear your feedback! Be sure to reach out with your questions, any comments, or just to say hi through a DM or email!

Last, but not least, since this is a BRAND NEW podcast, I would LOVE for you to give us a rating in iTunes to help people find the podcast! As the season progresses, I have some INCREDIBLE guests, and I know that their stories will be encouraging to so many people. Rating the podcast will help direct more people the subscribe and put these amazing stories in the ears so many more people! You're my personal marketing team -- so go rate it today! 

A big thank you to our sponsors - be sure to check them out!
