
Change is hard, but in my opinion, God shows us His mercy by allowing each year to come to an end, and start over with a beginning. In 2013, I made a lot of excuses for things in my life that I wasn't happy about. I can't do this because of that. I can go here because of this. I can't change that because of this. 

Don't get me wrong, 2013 was an incredible year. It was the year that I took three big vacations with my husband. I moved to a new part of Birmingham. I bought a home. I learned A LOT about being married, which led to learning even more about grace. We made big decisions together, we made hard choices together, we laughed a lot, cried a lot (well, I cried a lot), and made many memories. 2013 was great, but it was year of learning and growing. 

I hope that 2014 is different. I still want to learn and grow, but I want this to be a year about seeing possibilities, not making excuses. I want to see opportunities as a chance chase after what God has for me. 

Over the last few days, I've been thinking about some tangible, short-term goals. I made a list of them on our chalkboard, and as a family we want to see the possibilities that 2014 has for us and seize the opportunities to grow and learn more. I would challenge any of you who are looking to make 2014 a year of possibilities to do something similar. Make a list of short-term goals that are really achievable. Figure out a plan of action. Chase after what God has in store for you.

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From the Morales Family, we wish you a Happy New Year. May 2014 be a wonderful year for you! 

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A Morales Thanksgiving :: Part 3

Saturday morning I arose bright and early to get my shopping done.

My first stop was Aldi, both because of the close proximity to my house and becasue I was planning on getting a handful of things from there. I usually only shop at Aldi for things like eggs, milk, butter, and sometimes produce, so I really didn't have high hopes. But Aldi delivered more than it ever has before. With over half of my list crossed off, I left Aldi cheerful and ready to go to Walmart.

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