2015: A Year in Review

What a year it has been. It has surely been a year of ups and downs, but I am certainly grateful for every bit of it. We had some expected celebrations and some unforeseen turns. Most of all we know that nothing happens without filtering through God's hands, and we rest in His timing, His goodness, and His saving grace. 

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Turning Toward 2015

In some ways it's hard to believe that today is the last day of 2014. In other ways, I feel like we should be ringing in 2016 tonight! The days are slow. The waiting is hard. The transitions are daunting. But through every minute of every day, we know that God is faithful and we have peace that we are following in what He has for us. 

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Change is hard, but in my opinion, God shows us His mercy by allowing each year to come to an end, and start over with a beginning. In 2013, I made a lot of excuses for things in my life that I wasn't happy about. I can't do this because of that. I can go here because of this. I can't change that because of this. 

Don't get me wrong, 2013 was an incredible year. It was the year that I took three big vacations with my husband. I moved to a new part of Birmingham. I bought a home. I learned A LOT about being married, which led to learning even more about grace. We made big decisions together, we made hard choices together, we laughed a lot, cried a lot (well, I cried a lot), and made many memories. 2013 was great, but it was year of learning and growing. 

I hope that 2014 is different. I still want to learn and grow, but I want this to be a year about seeing possibilities, not making excuses. I want to see opportunities as a chance chase after what God has for me. 

Over the last few days, I've been thinking about some tangible, short-term goals. I made a list of them on our chalkboard, and as a family we want to see the possibilities that 2014 has for us and seize the opportunities to grow and learn more. I would challenge any of you who are looking to make 2014 a year of possibilities to do something similar. Make a list of short-term goals that are really achievable. Figure out a plan of action. Chase after what God has in store for you.

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From the Morales Family, we wish you a Happy New Year. May 2014 be a wonderful year for you! 

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