Here's what's on the menu for next Thursday in the Morales Palace:
Turkey with cranberry sauce
Large salad
Corn casserole
Wild rice and apple pilaf
Sweet potato casserole
Fresh green beans
Snow peas (at Jason's request)
Biscuits and honey butter
Strawberry jello pretzel dessert
Apple Pie with vanilla ice cream
Oreo bundt cake
Every week I go through Publix's sales and plan my weekly menu around what they have to offer on discount. Right now I'm in the process of making my list for what needs to be bought for Thanksgiving Dinner at Publix and what needs to be bought for our normal week at Publix since I work Monday-Wednesday and Jason works Monday, Tuesday, and Friday (by the way, I'm in the market for a Black Friday shopping buddy). Putting together two really large shopping lists is difficult, even for the most experienced of homemakers...but y'all, I've only been doing this for a year! I'm still practically a rookie!
After my heart rate went down, I realized that a couple of the things that I was planning to make I can just buy pre-made at Publix. Initially I was going to go all out and do a fully homemade Thanksgiving Dinner, but now, the closer we get to that day, I'm thinking semi-homemade is the way to go.
Just as I was deciding that I'm still a good wife/daughter-in-law even if I don't make pie crust from scratch, I saw something that rearranged my whole world.
Do you see that? It says, "...fully cooked 10-12-lb turkey. Ours comes with delicious dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry-orange relish. Heating is required before serving, serves 7-10, each." Heating is all that is required...and two crisp $20 bills.
But alas, I think I'll stick with semi-homemade - I'll let you know next week. There's a decent chance that Jason could get a call from the Publix Manager tomorrow that his wife is buried under stacks of paper titled "Shopping List Draft #421" and has had a mental breakdown.
If that happens, we're going with the $40 pre-made meal.
POST SCRIPT DISCLAIMER: I have a tendency to be a bit dramatic. Although I'm a wee bit stressed out at the quantity of food that I am about to buy for next week/Thanksgiving, I'm actually really looking forward to Thanksgiving Day, cooking, and sharing time with family. But you know, there's always possibly for the Publix situation described above. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.