Welcome back to Stories from South Place! Today I'm joined again by my parents, Ray and Tricia Sansom, for the second part of their story!
Welcome back to Stories from South Place! Today I'm joined by my parents, Ray and Tricia Sansom, for the second part of their story. If you missed the first part, be sure to check it out here: S1 E04 :: Ray & Tricia's Story :: The Early Years
In part two of this episode, we'll zero in on about a three year period of time from 2008-2011. Be sure to listen to the whole story because it gives a lot of important context and details, but the short story is that when my dad was serving as the Speaker of the House of Representatives in Florida, he was indicted, and ultimately his case went to trial in March of 2011. During that time, his character was called in to question in over 2,000 news articles, he had to step down from both his job as Speaker and his job as a representative, and it was a very publicly excruciating season for our family.
Spoiler alert: NINE YEARS AGO TODAY, his case was dropped after a week of the prosecutor presenting his case (there wasn't any evidence that the prosecutor could show to substantiate the charges, since my dad didn't do anything wrong). My mom, dad, and I share what our experience was like on that day, and what healing has looked like over the last (almost) decade. There are so many nuggets of wisdom about forgiveness and faith in the midst of a literal trial that my parents offer, and I am certainly better for being part of this conversation. I hope you'll feel the same.
Our local newspaper the day after the trial ended.
The sign our friends and neighbors made and had waiting for us in our driveway as we arrived home after the trial ended!
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