GIFT GUIDE :: Parents + Friends + Teens with My Sisters


IT'S HAPPENING!! I'm almost as excited about the gifts on this episode as I am my two co-hosts - MY SISTERS! Literally since I started a podcast I've been trying to get them both on with me, and it finally happened! In this episode of the Stories from South Place Holiday Gift Guide Series, we bring you gifts that will be great for parents/grandparents, siblings/friends, and teens/college students. I'm so grateful for my sisters, Carlee and Julia, for helping me help you with all of your Christmas purchasing with the Storie from South Place Holiday Gift Guide Series!

My sisters, Carlee Sansom and Julia Sullivan, are so much fun, so sincere, and truly put so much time and thought into their gift picks. I'm so happy to share them with all tens of you, and I know you'll just LOVE them.

Also, I have LOTS of DISCOUNT CODES, so be sure to check out the show notes with all of our picks, discount codes, and more!


My Picks

Carlee’s Picks

Julia’s Picks


My Picks

Carlee’s Picks

Julia’s Picks

Teens/College Students

My Picks

Carlee’s Picks

Julia’s Picks

This was such a blast and I’m so thankful to Carlee and Julia for joining me! Next week I’ll be reviewing eacn of the makers from season two of the podcast and talking about some special offers they have coming up and how to incorporate their businesses into your Christmas shopping! I’ll be joined by my friend, Sarah, who was my first real podcast guest back in season one! Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to make sure everything is delivered straight to your device each week!

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