Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. - Proverbs 3:5-6
This is a passage of scripture that is really really hard for me. I hate admitting that, but it's true.
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Originally posted on May 11, 2012 in Ramble (which is now mrsblogbacktome)
I know you're thinking, "What?!?!? Two posts in one day? I don't have time for this kind of rambling, Jessica." But I promise that you will not be disappointed. If you never read anything else that I write, please read this post (mostly because it's mostly written by someone else).
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I woke him up this morning with some birthday pancakes and a "Birthday Boy" pin for him to wear today. I'm pretty sure that I'm more excited about his birthday that I was my own. But that's kind of normal, right?
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Man, I needed this today.
This weekend has been hard. I tried to stay on plan the best I could, and I am pretty proud of how well I did. But today I took my "month #1 complete" photos, and I was a little disappointed.
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I seriously just sat for about three full minutes trying to come up with that title. I still don't think it does this justice, but oh well, let's move on.
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I'm not a numbers person. I'm really just not. In my opinion, number are better left in the hands of "numbers people" and I do not qualify as one of those people. By the way, the title is not calling "numbers people" Cotton-Headed-Ninny-Muggins - I've just really had an urge to watch Elf all week.
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I've tried SO many "diets". The summer before 9th grade, my mom became a member of Weight Watchers. Obviously, I didn't join, but sometimes I'd go to the meetings with her just to listen, and she definitely changed the way she cooked for my dad, my sisters, and me. As a result, I lost about 15 lbs. Before you get all freaked out about a 14 year old losing that much weight, I promise, I had it to lose. For the first, and maybe only time in my life, I felt skinny.
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The Weekend Top 5 is back!!
Before I dive into my weekend reminiscing, let me just send out a warm thank you to everyone who read the first guest post that went up on Friday. We had almost 100 views, which is incredible. For anyone who was a first time reader, I hope you'll come back. For those of you who read somewhat regularly, I hope you enjoyed Jason's take on his favorite summertime song. We'll have more guest posts from Jason throughout the summer and I know that each of them will have just as good of a viewership.
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Turn on the radio. Just kidding, you don’t have to. But even if you’re someone who can say that the last time you listened to FM radio was when Justin Timberlake was sitting on top of the charts with 4 of his best friends known as ‘NSync, I’m sure that you would agree with my next sentence. Music is a very powerful tool. It engages the senses. There are certain songs that, when I hear them, instantly transport me to the season of life and place where I first heard it. Sometimes a song will make me nostalgic for my college days. Other times, it will remind me of great times with my friends from youth group. Often, a song can remind you of a sad memory or something unwanted. To this day, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t hear Eye of the Tiger and instantly want to jog the stairs of a monument. Colossians 3:16 talks about how music is a gift from God and can be used to praise God.
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For years musicians have written songs about coming home. But sometimes words or lyrics just are not sufficient for a once in a lifetime experience. Today is one of those days and this is one of those times.
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