Our Grady-man turned O N E on December 21st. How in the world is that possible? It’s been a year since he entered the world, entered our hearts, and we are all better for it.
5 favs about Grady
He’s known for his hair and his smile, and I couldn’t love that more. He’s always has the best little head of hair and his smile literally is contagious. You can’t help but smile when he smiles. I have no clue how I’ll ever discipline him.
He loves his people a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. Whether it’s dancing with his big sister, cuddling with Mommy, or playing with Daddy, Grady is the happiest kid ever when he’s with his family. I admire that about him and can certainly relate. Together is his favorite place.
I call Grady my quiet rebel. From having a very specific way he wanted to sleep as a newborn to how he quietly sneaks everything into his mouth, Grady is always pushing the envelope...but he’s quiet about it. While it’s not my favorite thing right now (please don’t choke!), I am kind of excited to see how that plays out as he gets older. I pray that this trait is going to lead him to be a human who seeks justice and loves mercy.
Grady is an avid sleeper. When Grady is tired, he sleeps. On a person, in his bed, in his car seat, on the floor, it doesn’t matter. He just really likes to sleep. I like that about him.
Grady may just be a future musician...or hip hop dancer 👀 The kid has a song in his heart. If he even hears a beat for one second he is smiling and clapping and singing along. I love watching to see how he’ll react when we turn on some music for one of our family dance parties! Praying he has good taste in music, mostly for his daddy’s sake.
I could go on an on about our little man, but when I look at what these five things about Grady say all together, it’s this: Grady Shores Morales lives a life full of passion. From the absolute joy of his smile to the way he loves his people, music, and finding his own way, he lives his life full-out — to the point it exhausts him! God knew we needed this surprise last year in the form of a son and little brother, and we are thankful for the gift that is Grady!