I just love that.
I love interesting dates and numbers. My parents were married on 8-4-84 and They didn't even realize how cool that was (8-4-8-4) until I brought it up in college.
Anywhoo, today I have something special to offer you. Tonight I'm hosting a Premier Designs party for my friend and "jewelry lady", Amber.
Amber is an amazing friend and neighbor. I love her heart for missions and for living in a missional neighborhood. She works for a Christ-centered nonprofit organization and on top of that, she sells jewelry to raise money for missions - local missions, domestic missions, and international missions. She's an amazing woman and I want to give all of my blog readers the opportunity to help support her as well.
It's not lost on Premier that Amber uses this part-time job for missions. Premier actually exists to support missions. You can read all about their company here.
But for now, I want to give all of you another reason to shop (as if yesterday's post was not enough). Take a look at Amber's Premier page. You can shop by using the code 0517.
If you would like to place an order, fill out the form below and I'll get all of your information that way. All you have to do is fill out this information and I'll send you an email or text or I'll give you a call so that you can place your order. I would ask that all orders are place by Thursday at midnight.
AND if you want to shop in person, you can also fill out the form below and choose that option. My party is tonight at 6:30, so if you fill out this form, I'll send you more details and my address.
AND if you come tonight, you'll get to eat these (recipe here):
And here are a few of the Premier Designs items that I own and definitely recommend:
Resort Necklace
Blue Lagoon necklace (middle one)
Poetic bracelets
Sedona (necklace) - you can seriously wear this with EVERYTHING...and I do.
Mint Condition - I wear this one just about every other day as well.
Movement earrings - another staple in my wardrobe. I actually keep these in my car and put them on every morning on the way to work.
Enjoy shopping and have a terrific Tuesday!