Today is the last day of National Infertility Awareness Week. I've been working on putting this post together for the duration of this week, and honestly I'm nervous to hit the "publish" button. I'm nervous that it will be too direct, too opinionated, too much for some people. But my prayer is that if you choose to read this, you'll have a greater understanding of my story, and potentially stories that are similar to mine. My hope is that my words can bring us together, not divide, and that we can all rest in the unique plans that God has for us.
Read moreGiving Away my Birthday
You guys, the waiting list is moving FAST! We just found out that we are now #21!!!! That's literally insane! I don't even know what to do with myself. I just called my mom and she said, "Jessica, you're about to be a MOM and I'm about to be a GRANDMA!" Wow, things are getting real.
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