Waiting List - an October Update

A little over a week ago, we sent off our dossier! It was a huge step for us, and we are so excited to announce that we are OFFICIALLY on the WAITING LIST!

That's right, we're #33 on Dove's Ethiopia waiting list!! We don't know exactly what that means in terms of waiting time, but we were thinking we'd be much higher up (we were estimating 50s or 60s), so this was AMAZING news for us! We will get updated every month about where we are on the waiting list, and we'll share it with all of you, our friends and family, so that we can all pray for our future sweet baby boy together!

Speaking of praying, below is our October prayer list. As always, feel free to save this, print it out, and pray over it throughout the month! 

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and love as we move through this adoption journey. We can't wait to find out who Judah is, and we're excited for all of you to be part of his life!

Facts about Ethiopia

  • 4,500,000 orphans

  • 30.7% people living on less than US $1.25/day

  • Over 50% of the population is under 18 years old

  • 840,000 living with AIDS

  • 15.6% participation in secondary school

  • 55% youth literacy rate

  • 39% adult literacy rate

  • 51% of people using unsafe water sources
